Wednesday, September 22, 2010

2013 Africa Cup of Nations: Qualifying system announced

Issa Hayatou, president of the Confederation of African Football (CAF), described the qualifying system in an interview published on the Burkinabe portal

"Pour les qualifications, la formule est trouvée. Elle se déroulera en deux étapes. Déjà nous considérons les 16 qui auront jouer la phase finale en 2012 comme des exemptés du premier tour des qualifications. Les autres pays qui ne seront pas à la CAN vont s’affronter pour 16 places à prendre.

Une fois cette étape bouclée, il y aura une confrontation entre les 16 issues des qualifications et les 16 autres qui ont joué la phase finale de la CAN. Un tirage au sort sera fait et chacune des 16 finalistes de la CAN 2012 passée disputera en aller-retour, un ticket direct pour la CAN 2013. En clair, les 16 finalistes n’auront à disputer que 2 matchs avec le même adversaire alors que les autres joueront plus de matchs car il a fallu dégraisser pour ne garder que les 16 meilleures. Toutes les précautions ont été prises. Les garanties sont là. Tout est ok."

The qualifying system will have two stages.

  1. A preliminary stage to trim the number of teams down to 16. The 16 ACN 2012 finalists won't be involved. The format of this stage (straight knock-out, group stage, mix of both?) is unknown.
  2. A final stage involving the 16 teams qualified from the preliminary stage and the 16 ACN 2012 finalists. It will be straight knock-out stage (home and away) with the winners qualifying for the ACN 2013 (hosted by Libya).
There must be something wrong about it. Only 15 places are available, not 16, thus only 30 teams will play in the final stage, not 32. What happens with Libya?

  1. If Libya qualify for the 2012 finals, only 15 teams will qualify through the preliminary stage and they will meet the 15 ACN 2012 finalists.
  2. If Libya fail to qualify for the 2012 finals, only 14 teams will qualify through the preliminary stage.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.


  1. What happens with African Cup later? Will it still be held every 2 years (2015, 17, etc) or every 4 years?

  2. I thought my problem was reding French. No, in English, it is still confused as hell...
