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Here is the link to the sheet that contained detailed calculations of the FIFA points per team, for the current FIFA ranking: points_calculation. Unfortunately I don't have a version of Excel to update this like Ed used to, and I also have a separate archive that I update and use to calculate the FIFA ranking. Any volunteers to take this over? If not, I can think of another way to continue this...

Simulation of football matches, why and how (28 December 2020)

The new FIFA calculation: comparative analysis part I and part II  (24 October 2018).

Those looking for the UEFA European Cup team/country rankings should go to Bert Kassies' UEFA European Cup Football website. Those looking for the IFFHS Club World Ranking should visit the IFFHS website.

You are free to use data from this website as long as you include a link to

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Software engineer, happily unmarried and non-religious. You won't find me on Twitter or other so called social media. Dutchman, joined the blog in March 2018.