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Saturday, June 24, 2023

2024 UEFA EURO qualification: 10.000 simulations (June 2023)

Last week the match days three and four of qualification for EURO 2024 have been played. See here for all the details of the qualification process and the simulation results before the groups started. And see here for the simulation results after the first two match days.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

FIFA ranking: July 2023 probable ranking

The July 2023 ranking, to be published on Thursday July 20th, will only be the second ranking of 2023. It seems FIFA decided from now on to publish a ranking only after a NT window has been completed. In this case, immediately following the June window, the Gold Cup will be played so the publication was delayed a bit more to mid July to be able to include that continental final tournament.

FIFA ranking: July 2023 probable results

Here are the probable results of all 222 played and currently scheduled matches up to and including July 16th, used to calculate the July 2023 probable ranking. The results are generated using elo ratings. Also the already played matches since April 3rd, (probably) counting for the July ranking, are presented.