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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cumpararea locurilor - interzisa de FIFA

Comitetul executiv al FIFA a luat azi urmatoarea decizie:

"Moreover, a new article in the Regulations Governing the Application of the FIFA Statutes is intended to ensure that clubs may only qualify for a higher division on sporting merit so as to prevent a recurrence of cases such as that of Spanish club Granada 74. The exact wording of this article will be submitted to the next meeting of the Executive Committee and subsequently ratified by the FIFA Congress."

Cu alte cuvinte, cumpararea locurilor va fi interzisa. Desigur ramane portita cu neprimirea licentei.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.

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