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Friday, October 21, 2011

2014 FIFA World Cup seeding update (21 October 2011)

Next update: 18 November 2011 or later.

See more info in the original 2014 FIFA World Cup seeding post.

This is the top 20 of the intermediate October 2013 FIFA ranking:

1 Spain 405
2 Netherlands 375
3 Germany 369
4 Uruguay 340
5 England 284
6 Argentina 278
7 Italy 277
8 Greece 275
9 Portugal 272
10 Denmark 262
11 Brazil 258
12 Sweden 251
13 Croatia 249
14 Russia 244
15 Japan 241
16 France 239
17 Norway 233
18 Chile 232
19 Côte d'Ivoire 220
20 Switzerland 218

Mexico (23), USA (45).

Italy replace Portugal in the list of seeds.

Right now, the seeds for the 2014 World Cup would be: Brazil, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Uruguay, England, Argentina and Italy.

About me:

Christian, husband, father x 3, programmer, Romanian. Started the blog in March 2007. Quit in April 2018. You can find me on LinkedIn.


  1. Hi Edgar,

    do you think this ranking will be used for seeding the European play offs (8 best runner ups) for World Cup 2014 too? Fifa (as far as I know) have not yet taken the decition if and how the seeding will be made. Thank you.

  2. That's how it was in 2009. I can't really predict what FIFA will choose though. It would have been much better had they mentioned it in the regulations.

  3. I believe they will use FIFA Rankings to seed the playoffs.

  4. Thanks Edgar (and Amir) for your reply. I sure do hope that FIFA will take a decision before the matches begin in September 2012.

  5. I think your hope is in vain - based on what FIFA have done before.
